ja-flag Government of Jamaica
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    Delivery of Public Postal Service in Jamaica -The Post and Telecommunications Department (PTD) provides public mail services island-wide. In 2000, the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) established the Postal Corporation of Jamaica (PCOJ), as a transition company, to spearhead the modernisation and commercialization of the PTD. The Department operates in an increasingly competitive environment, driven by advancements in communications technology and cross border […]Report Details
  • Compendium of Special Investigations Report on the Ministry of Labour & Social Security – NIF Equity Management and Rehabilitation Programme -National Outcome #3: Effective Social Protection, of the Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP), outlines one of the national strategies to ‘promote greater participation in, and viability of social insurance and pension schemes’ to achieve the National Goal – Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential. This is consistent with the Sustainable Development Goal […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Report on the Fiscal Policy Paper – 2018/2019 -I have examined the components of The Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP), laid before the Houses of Parliament on February 15, 2018 in accordance with the Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. I found the report to be comprehensive and clear, and I commend the efforts of the Ministry of Finance in that regard.  Notwithstanding, the […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Annual Audit Report – Financial Year 2016/2017 -It is with great pleasure that I present my annual report for 2017. The report is predominantly internally focused and Section 1 provides a performance review of the AuGD for the period under review. Section 2 provides a synopsis of the results of assurance audits undertaken during the period; whereas Section 3 highlights the key […]Report Details
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    Information Systems Review Report of the Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) on its IT Governance and Business Continuity Management -The performance of Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) is critical to the development of an efficient and equitable tax system in keeping with one of the key national strategies under Jamaica’s Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NOP). TAJ’s mission is to collect the revenues due in an equitable and cost effective manner, foster voluntary compliance, provide […]Report Details
  • Financial Statements Analysis of Public Bodies – Clarendon Alumina Production -The analysis of the audited financial statements of Clarendon Alumina Production Limited (CAP) was undertaken to assist Parliament and the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in their review of the financial performance of public bodies, in the context of the Fiscal Responsibility Framework. The Public Bodies Management and Accountability (PMBA) Act requires public entities to demonstrate prudent […]Report Details
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    Government of Jamaica’s Progress Towards Vision 2030 NDP Outcome No. 10: Diversification of Energy Supply & Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy -Jamaica’s energy management framework and Jamaica’s National Energy Policy seeks to support the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) and in particular, National Outcome # 10 – Energy Security and Efficiency. The vision for Jamaica’s energy sector is “a modern, efficient, diversified and environmentally sustainable energy sector providing affordable and accessible energy […]Report Details
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    Examination of the Components of the Interim Fiscal Policy Paper which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on September 26, 2017 – FY2017/18 -I have examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper FY2017/18 Interim Report. The Fiscal Policy Paper FY2017/18 Interim Report was tabled in Parliament on September 26, 2017, within six months of the passage of the Appropriation Act, keeping with the requirement of the Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. The report comprised the Fiscal […]Report Details
  • Transport Authority, Regulation of Public Passenger Vehicles (PPVs) -The Transport Authority’s (TA) regulatory role in the provision of efficient and effective public passenger transport system is key to the development of  a modernized public transport system, an objective of Jamaica’s Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP).  TA’s mission is to provide close and effective  monitoring of the transportation  system and enforce all laws, […]Report Details
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    National Water Commission – Contract and Procurement Management, Capital Projects -The National Water Commission (NWC) which is responsible for providing and operating water supply and sewerage facilities in the urban and rural areas of Jamaica, supplies 190 million gallons of portable water each day to about 2 million customers across the island.  NWC recognises that efficient and effective water supply and sewage systems are essential to […]Report Details


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