ja-flag Government of Jamaica
  • Ministry of Finance and Public Service – Noranda’s Bauxite Limited Expired Letter of Credit -Report Details
  • Aeronautical Telecommunications Limited -Report Details
  • INSPORTS -Report Details
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    Report of the Auditor General On The Financial Transactions And Financial Statements of The Government of Jamaica for 2016 -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report on the Fiscal Policy Paper 2013/2014 -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report on the Fiscal Policy Paper 2014/2015 -Report Details
  • Follow-up Performance Audit Report National Environment and Planning Agency -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report Of Jamaica Mortgage Bank (JMB) Management of Construction Loan Portfolio -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report on the Interim Fiscal Policy Paper – 2016/2017 -The Auditor General’s Review I have examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper FY2016/17 Interim Report, which was tabled on September 28, 2016.The report comprised the Fiscal Responsibility Statement, Macroeconomic Framework and Fiscal Management Strategy. I reviewed the outturn for FY2015/16, the fiscal performance for April to August2016, projections to end FY2016/17and for FY2017/18, […]Report Details
  • Auditor General’s Department Activity – Based Audit Report Early Childhood Commission -The purpose of an activity-based audit is to identify opportunities to improve the activity reviewed, leading to enhanced organizational economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, the emphasis is on reporting issues affecting current performance of the activity and highlighting the benefits of implementing the recommendations put forward. The Early Childhood Commission is an agency of the […]Report Details


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