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Performance auditing is an independent, objective and reliable examination of whether government undertakings, systems, operations, programmes, activities or organisations are operating in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and whether there is room for improvement.

Let’s See Our Latest Performance Audit Reports

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    Performance Audit: “Effectiveness of Jamaica’s institutional framework in enabling a strong and resilient national public health system” -Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP), the country’s policy framework, which was published in 2009, includes health-related targets and strategies to improve the public health system to achieve National Outcome No.1 – A Healthy and Stable Population. This National Outcome is aligned to the targets and indicators for public health contained in the global […]Report Details
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    Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo) -National Outcome 12 of Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) identifies Tourism as one of Jamaica’s leading industries, being a major contributor to GDP and employment, as well as the largest foreign exchange earner. National Outcome 12 also acknowledges the need to improve the standards and level of customer service in the tourism industry. […]Report Details
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    Nutrition Products Limited (NPL) -As part of our annual strategic audit planning process, we assessed the risks to achieving the six essential elements identified in the Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) to enhance the quality of life for all Jamaicans. Nutrition is listed among the six essential elements, with the need to support adequate nutrition at schools […]Report Details
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    Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation) -The Threshold 21 Jamaica Model featured in Jamaica’s Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP) highlighted that improvements in physical economic infrastructure such as roads, will have higher payoffs in the form of higher rates of economic growth than equivalent investment in health and education over the time horizon to 2030. Accordingly, the NDP indicated that […]Report Details
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    Compendium Report of Performance Audits Management Systems for Farm and Parochial Roads -In Financial Year 2018-19,  the Auditor General commissioned an audit of management systems for farm and parochial roads, in respect of RADA, the Kingston and St Andrew and the St Catherine municipal corporations, respectively. This was in a context of public concerns regarding the deteriorating state of public roads, as well as the impact on […]Report Details
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    Capacity of Skills Training Programme HEART/National Service Training Agency (NSTA) -According to the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) annual Labour Force Surveys over the past four years, September 2014 to October 2018, on average 61 per cent of the Jamaican labour force neither held a professional or vocational certification nor has been exposed to any formal skills, apprenticeship or on the job training. The goal […]Report Details
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    Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited (Governance, Procurement and Operations Management) -The analytical review of the JUTC’s financial statements over the period FY2009/10 to FY2012/13, which was tabled in 2015, revealed a consistent fall in ridership and associated decline in revenue. An attempt to reassess JUTC’s performance through a five-year financial statement trend analysis was thwarted owing to the absence of financial statements for the period […]Report Details
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    Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (St. Catherine Municipal Corporation) -The provision of properly maintained parochial road networks is well established as essential to the social and economic development of rural communities. Alternately, it is recognized that neglected roads hamper the efficient distribution of goods and services and the movement of people, stifling economic growth and social welfare. Hence, in a context where budgetary support […]Report Details
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    Jamaica Library Service (JLS) -We conducted an audit of the library service to determine the extent to which JLS  measured and responded to the impact of technological changes while contributing to Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also assessed whether aspects of JLS financial and human resource management were […]Report Details
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    RADA’s Management of the Rehabilitation of Farm Roads -A priority strategy of Vision 2030 Jamaica, National Development Plan (NDP), National Outcome 12: Internationally Competitive Industry Structures, is to improve and rationalize the road network including farm roads by improving agriculture feeder roads. The contribution of agriculture to GDP, food security and environmental sustainability is vital and physical improvements in farm roads are expected […]Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report – Procurement Management Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI) -Public sector entities are guided by the Handbook of Public Procurement Procedures, which embraces good practices and the concepts of value for money in acquiring goods and services for public benefit.  Given the transactional value of procurement activities, it is important that public officers do not treat procurement simply as a routine administrative exercise, but […]Report Details
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    Procurement Management – Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) -Public procurement accounts for a significant amount of public expenditure. This demands that appropriate and effective mechanisms are in place, to reduce the risk of loss and waste arising from deficient procurement planning and practices that undermine systems intended to secure equitable and transparent distribution of funds.  In support of the Handbook of Public Procurement […]Report Details
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    Management of the Special Early Retirement Programme (SERP) -The Special Early Retirement Programme (SERP) formed a part of the Government’s strategic initiative to transform the public sector to make it more efficient. SERP was initiated in response to concerns regarding the size of the public sector wage bill and the need for public sector pension reform. Accordingly, SERP was designed to create incentives […]Report Details
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    Information Technology Audit Report on Information Technology Governance of Select Public Entities – Jamaica Constabulary Force, Jamaica Information Service and Ministry of Finance and the Public Service -The increased use of Information Technology (IT) by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in pursing their strategic goals has highlighted the need for a structured approach to the governance of public sector IT resources. This approach, known as IT governance, is a structure of relationships and processes used to direct and control the organization to […]Report Details
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    Information Technology Audit Report on the Disposal of ICT Equipment of Select Public Entities – Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology, eGov Jamaica Limited and Post & Telecommunications Department -Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment is increasingly being utilized by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in their daily operations resulting in an increasing build-up of inventory.  Sensitive data stored on these devices must be appropriately secured or destroyed prior to their disposal.  Despite this increased reliance on technology and the eventual disposal of ICT […]Report Details
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    Compendium of a Review of Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) and A Comprehensive Audit of Petrojam Limited -The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) is a statutory organization created by the Petroleum Act, with the exclusive right to explore and develop the petroleum resources of Jamaica. It is also the Government agency charged with the responsibility for facilitating the development of the country’s energy resources in a manner that supports the overall strategy […]Report Details
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    Jamaica’s Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) -Jamaica’s adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 reinforced the country’s commitment to the goals of its Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP) developed in 2009, which seeks to “make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”. An assessment of Jamaica’s national planning documents, using the Rapid Integrated Assessment […]Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report – Student Loan Bureau’s Management of the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) -The Student’s Loan Bureau (SLB) plays a vital role in providing access to tertiary education for eligible Jamaicans who are unable to cover the cost of tuition at approved institutions in Jamaica. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 is “to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” […]Report Details
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    Delivery of Public Postal Service in Jamaica -The Post and Telecommunications Department (PTD) provides public mail services island-wide. In 2000, the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) established the Postal Corporation of Jamaica (PCOJ), as a transition company, to spearhead the modernisation and commercialization of the PTD. The Department operates in an increasingly competitive environment, driven by advancements in communications technology and cross border […]Report Details
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    Government of Jamaica’s Progress Towards Vision 2030 NDP Outcome No. 10: Diversification of Energy Supply & Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy -Jamaica’s energy management framework and Jamaica’s National Energy Policy seeks to support the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) and in particular, National Outcome # 10 – Energy Security and Efficiency. The vision for Jamaica’s energy sector is “a modern, efficient, diversified and environmentally sustainable energy sector providing affordable and accessible energy […]Report Details
  • Transport Authority, Regulation of Public Passenger Vehicles (PPVs) -The Transport Authority’s (TA) regulatory role in the provision of efficient and effective public passenger transport system is key to the development of  a modernized public transport system, an objective of Jamaica’s Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP).  TA’s mission is to provide close and effective  monitoring of the transportation  system and enforce all laws, […]Report Details
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    National Water Commission – Contract and Procurement Management, Capital Projects -The National Water Commission (NWC) which is responsible for providing and operating water supply and sewerage facilities in the urban and rural areas of Jamaica, supplies 190 million gallons of portable water each day to about 2 million customers across the island.  NWC recognises that efficient and effective water supply and sewage systems are essential to […]Report Details
  • National Health Fund, Management of the Supply and Distribution of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Sundries -The National Health Fund Act was amended in 2011 to allow for a transfer of the assets and liabilities of the Health Corporation Limited (HCL) to the NHF, which assumed responsibility for the procurement, warehousing and distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical sundries The performance audit covered the period FY2011/12 to FY2016/17. The audit sought to […]Report Details
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    Ministry of Health (MOH), South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) – Securing Value for Money from the Procurement of Goods and Services -The procurement of goods and services is critical to the delivery of healthcare, administered by four Regional Health Authorities (RHAs). The South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA), the largest of the four, has responsibility for nine hospitals and 91 health centres in the parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Catherine and St. Thomas, when […]Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report – Engagement of Consultants, Advisors and Assistants at Ministry of Finance and Public Service, Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Education, Youth and Information -I have the honour to submit the results of a performance audit on the engagement of consultants, advisors and assistants at the Ministry of Finance and Public Service (MoFPS), Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI), for tabling in the House of Representatives. The overall responsibilities of […]Report Details
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    Tax Administration of Jamaica – Property Tax Collections and Enforcement -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Performance Audit Report – Ministry of Health (MOH) Management of Mental Health Services Rehabilitation and Reintegration of the Mentally Ill -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – Caribbean Maritime Institute (CMI) -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report -National Insurance Scheme -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Performance Audit Report – Development Bank of Jamaica Limited -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – Universal Service Fund -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Peformance Audit Report -Review of the National Works Agency’s (NWA’s) Quality Management Function -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – National Public Health Laboratory -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – Housing Agency of Jamaica (HAJ) -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Performance Audit Report – Ministry of Health -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Performance Audit Report – National Housing Trust -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – Child Development Agency (CDA) -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Activity-Based Audit Report – National Centre for Youth Development (NYCD) -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) -Report Details
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    Peformance Audit Report of the Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the National Irrigation Commission (NIC) -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the Urban Development Corporation -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report on the Management of Police Motor Vehicles -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the Prescription Drugs -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the National Environment and Planning Agency -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the Post and Telecommunication Department -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the Fisheries Division -Report Details


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