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    Examination of the Components of the Fiscal Policy Paper which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on February 11, 2020- FY2020/21 -The Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP) was examined in accordance with Section 48B (6) of the FAA Act and therefore, the merits of the Finance Minister’s Fiscal Management Strategy were not evaluated. In conducting the assessment, the Auditor General adhered to the standards issued by the International Association of Supreme Audit Institutions and International Standard on […]Report Details
  • Special Audit Report of the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) -The Auditor General’s Department (AuGD) conducted a special audit of the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) for the period 2016-17 to 2018-19 in response to public concerns regarding allegations of malpractice at CMU. The audit sought to ascertain whether CMU’s operational activities, governance and monitoring framework were consistent with the principles of good financial management and […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Annual Report 2019 -I am pleased to present my annual report for the year 2018/2019. This report is divided into three sections, with the first speaking to the operations of the Auditor General’s Department, the second to the audit portfolio and the third provides a summary of the audits conducted for the period under review which, were not […]Report Details
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    Jamaica Library Service (JLS) -We conducted an audit of the library service to determine the extent to which JLS  measured and responded to the impact of technological changes while contributing to Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also assessed whether aspects of JLS financial and human resource management were […]Report Details
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    RADA’s Management of the Rehabilitation of Farm Roads -A priority strategy of Vision 2030 Jamaica, National Development Plan (NDP), National Outcome 12: Internationally Competitive Industry Structures, is to improve and rationalize the road network including farm roads by improving agriculture feeder roads. The contribution of agriculture to GDP, food security and environmental sustainability is vital and physical improvements in farm roads are expected […]Report Details
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    Examination of the Components of the Interim Fiscal Policy Paper which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on September 24, 2019- FY2019/20 -The review of the Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP) Interim report was based on the requirements stated in Section 48B (6) of the FAA Act and therefore, the merits of the Finance Minister’s Fiscal Management Strategy were not evaluated. In conducting my assessment, I adhered to the standards issued by the International Association of Supreme Audit […]Report Details
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    Information Technology Audit Report, Jamaica Customs Agency -The Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) is mandated to assess and collect duties, fees, and penalties due on imported merchandise. It also has the responsibility of facilitating international trade while ensuring the protection of Jamaica’s borders against illicit imports. JCA’s services are therefore a significant source of tax revenue and contributor to national security and development. […]Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report – Procurement Management Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI) -Public sector entities are guided by the Handbook of Public Procurement Procedures, which embraces good practices and the concepts of value for money in acquiring goods and services for public benefit.  Given the transactional value of procurement activities, it is important that public officers do not treat procurement simply as a routine administrative exercise, but […]Report Details
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    Procurement Management – Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) -Public procurement accounts for a significant amount of public expenditure. This demands that appropriate and effective mechanisms are in place, to reduce the risk of loss and waste arising from deficient procurement planning and practices that undermine systems intended to secure equitable and transparent distribution of funds.  In support of the Handbook of Public Procurement […]Report Details
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    Management of the Special Early Retirement Programme (SERP) -The Special Early Retirement Programme (SERP) formed a part of the Government’s strategic initiative to transform the public sector to make it more efficient. SERP was initiated in response to concerns regarding the size of the public sector wage bill and the need for public sector pension reform. Accordingly, SERP was designed to create incentives […]Report Details


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