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    Audit of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme Review of the CARE Programme with specific emphasis on the COVID-19 Path Grants, General Grants & BEST Cash Grants -This represents the third and final in a series of reports on the results of the audit of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme. This phase of the audit sought to determine if there was compliance with the eligibility, processing and disbursement guidelines pertaining to the BEST Cash and General Grant (specifically […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Compliance Audit Report Constituency Development Fund -The main objective of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is to promote human and infrastructure development at the community and constituency levels through various welfare, economic enablement, and infrastructure improvement activities/projects. The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) coordinates the management and disbursement of the Fund and is responsible for ensuring that it operates with […]Report Details
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    Examination of the Components of the Fiscal Policy Paper FY2020/21 Interim Report, which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on October 06, 2020 -The Auditor General has examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP) FY2020/21 Interim Report, laid before the Houses of Parliament on October 6, 2020 in accordance with Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. The Report met the requirements under the Third Schedule and included the minimum content under the Fiscal Responsibility Statement (FRS), […]Report Details
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    Capacity of Skills Training Programme HEART/National Service Training Agency (NSTA) -According to the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) annual Labour Force Surveys over the past four years, September 2014 to October 2018, on average 61 per cent of the Jamaican labour force neither held a professional or vocational certification nor has been exposed to any formal skills, apprenticeship or on the job training. The goal […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Validation for the Suspension of the Fiscal Rules -On May 13, 2020, the Minister responsible for Finance announced in the House of Representatives, his intent to move for a suspension of the fiscal rules promulgated in February 2010 and amended in 2014 and 2015, owing to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Subsequently, the Auditor General received a submission from the Planning Institute of Jamaica, which […]Report Details
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    Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited (Governance, Procurement and Operations Management) -The analytical review of the JUTC’s financial statements over the period FY2009/10 to FY2012/13, which was tabled in 2015, revealed a consistent fall in ridership and associated decline in revenue. An attempt to reassess JUTC’s performance through a five-year financial statement trend analysis was thwarted owing to the absence of financial statements for the period […]Report Details
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    Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (St. Catherine Municipal Corporation) -The provision of properly maintained parochial road networks is well established as essential to the social and economic development of rural communities. Alternately, it is recognized that neglected roads hamper the efficient distribution of goods and services and the movement of people, stifling economic growth and social welfare. Hence, in a context where budgetary support […]Report Details
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    Audit of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme -This represents the second in a series of reports on the results of the audit of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme. This phase of the audit sought to determine if there was compliance with the eligibility, processing and disbursement guidelines pertaining to the SET Cash and Small Business Grants components as […]Report Details
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    Audit of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme -In response to a specific request made by the Minister of Finance, Dr. Nigel Clarke, the Auditor General commissioned a concurrent audit review of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme, which is the temporary cash transfer programme to individuals and businesses to cushion the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The overarching […]Report Details
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    Norman Manley International Airport Public Private Partnership Analysis of Contingent Liability Exposure -The Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act requires the Auditor General to certify that a public private partnership (PPP) involves only minimal contingent liabilities accruing to the Government. This assessment is only required for ‘user pays’ PPP as these projects would not be included in the public debt. User-pays PPPs are commercially free standing and […]Report Details


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