Examination of the Components of the Interim Fiscal Policy Paper which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on September 24, 2019- FY2019/20
The review of the Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP) Interim report was based on the requirements stated in Section 48B (6) of the FAA Act and therefore, the merits of the Finance Minister’s Fiscal Management Strategy were not evaluated. In conducting my assessment, I adhered to the standards issued by the International Association of Supreme Audit Institutions and International Standard on Assurance Engagement (ISAE) 3000 – Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Information issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.
The FY2019/20 Interim FPP provided a comparison of the FY2018/19 outturn relative to the budget outlined in the February FPP FY2018/19, in compliance with the FAA Act and the Auditor General’s recommendation reiterated in the February FY2019/20 FPP as well as a comparison of the outturn for April to July 2019/20 with the budget.