ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Jamaica SAI PMF Assessment 2017

Published on Dec 06, 2017

Scheduled Publication

This report assesses the performance of the Auditor General’s Department (AuGD) of
Jamaica against the International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs)
using the methodology prescribed by the Supreme Audit Institution – Performance
Measurement Framework (SAI-PMF) adopted by INTOSAI.

The report has been prepared by an external expert team funded by the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB). The IDB support in preparing this assessment is part of
IDB’s broader commitment to support capacity strengthening of the members of the
Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI).

The objective of the Auditor General (AG) of Jamaica for doing the assessment is to
measure where her organisation is currently in terms of progress and performance and
to use the outcomes of the assessment to amend the content of the AGD Strategic Plan
and its technical audit manuals accordingly.


Click to download full report: Jamaica SAI PMF Assesment Full Report

Click to download summary: Summary of Jamaica SAI PMF Assessment

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