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    Special Audit Report – Financial Services Commission -The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is charged with the responsibility to supervise and regulate financial institutions that carry out activities in the areas of insurance, securities and pensions. Based on stakeholder allegations of malpractices in its human resource management and procurement practices, I commissioned a special audit to determine the veracity of the allegations.Report Details
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    Independent Auditor’s Report – Examination of the Components of The Fiscal Policy Paper FY2023/24 (February 2023) -I examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP), which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on 2023, February 14, in accordance with the Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. Based on my review, I found that the report met the requirements of the Third Schedule and included the minimum content under the […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Examination of FPP FY2022/23 Interim Report -I have examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP) FY2022/23 Interim Report, laid before the Houses of Parliament on 2022, September 27, in accordance with Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. The report met the requirements of the Third Schedule and included the minimum content under the Fiscal Responsibility Statement, Macroeconomic Framework and […]Report Details
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    Certification of Public Bodies Jamaica Mortgage Bank & Bank of Jamaica -On August 22, 2022, the Minister responsible for Finance requested that I assess the operations of Jamaica Mortgage Bank and the Bank of Jamaica to determine whether these entities carry out functions primarily of commercial nature and hence meet the criteria for certification as not being part of the specified public sector. The criteria for […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Validation for the Suspension of the Fiscal Rules -On May 13, 2020, the Minister responsible for Finance announced in the House of Representatives, his intent to move for a suspension of the fiscal rules promulgated in February 2010 and amended in 2014 and 2015, owing to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Subsequently, the Auditor General received a submission from the Planning Institute of Jamaica, which […]Report Details
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    Audit of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme -In response to a specific request made by the Minister of Finance, Dr. Nigel Clarke, the Auditor General commissioned a concurrent audit review of the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme, which is the temporary cash transfer programme to individuals and businesses to cushion the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The overarching […]Report Details
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    Information Technology Audit Report on Information Technology Governance of Select Public Entities – Jamaica Constabulary Force, Jamaica Information Service and Ministry of Finance and the Public Service -The increased use of Information Technology (IT) by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in pursing their strategic goals has highlighted the need for a structured approach to the governance of public sector IT resources. This approach, known as IT governance, is a structure of relationships and processes used to direct and control the organization to […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Report on the Fiscal Policy Paper – 2018/2019 -I have examined the components of The Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP), laid before the Houses of Parliament on February 15, 2018 in accordance with the Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. I found the report to be comprehensive and clear, and I commend the efforts of the Ministry of Finance in that regard.  Notwithstanding, the […]Report Details
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    Examination of the Components of the Interim Fiscal Policy Paper which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on September 26, 2017 – FY2017/18 -I have examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper FY2017/18 Interim Report. The Fiscal Policy Paper FY2017/18 Interim Report was tabled in Parliament on September 26, 2017, within six months of the passage of the Appropriation Act, keeping with the requirement of the Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act. The report comprised the Fiscal […]Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report – Engagement of Consultants, Advisors and Assistants at Ministry of Finance and Public Service, Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Education, Youth and Information -I have the honour to submit the results of a performance audit on the engagement of consultants, advisors and assistants at the Ministry of Finance and Public Service (MoFPS), Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI), for tabling in the House of Representatives. The overall responsibilities of […]Report Details
  • Ministry of Finance and Public Service – Leasing of a section of Oceana Hotel Complex for the Accountant General’s Department -Report Details
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    Report of the Auditor General On The Financial Transactions And Financial Statements of The Government of Jamaica for 2016 -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report on the Fiscal Policy Paper 2013/2014 -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report on the Fiscal Policy Paper 2014/2015 -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report on the Interim Fiscal Policy Paper – 2016/2017 -The Auditor General’s Review I have examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper FY2016/17 Interim Report, which was tabled on September 28, 2016.The report comprised the Fiscal Responsibility Statement, Macroeconomic Framework and Fiscal Management Strategy. I reviewed the outturn for FY2015/16, the fiscal performance for April to August2016, projections to end FY2016/17and for FY2017/18, […]Report Details


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