ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Jamaica Customs Agency

Nov 17, 2021

1 Jamaica Customs Agency

The Auditor General conducted a special audit of the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) covering the period 2016 to 2021, to determine whether JCA had...

Examination of the Components of Fiscal Policy Paper FY2021/2022 Interim Report, which was laid before the Houses of Parliament on September 28, 2021

Oct 14, 2021

Examination of the Components of the Fiscal Policy Paper

The Auditor General have examined the components of the Fiscal Policy Paper (FPP) FY2021/22 Interim Report, laid before the Houses of Parliament on September...

Joint Committee For Tertiary Education

Oct 12, 2021

4 Joint Committee For Tertiary Education

The Auditor General commissioned a special audit of the Joint Committee for Tertiary Education (JCTE) to determine whether its operations were aligned with its...


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