ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Performance Audit Report

Aug 05, 2022

33 Performance Audit Report of the Urban Development Corporation

The Urban Development Corporation (UDC) was established by the UDC Act (1968), to plan orderly development of physical infrastructure in a holistic and sustainable...

Management of Solid Waste

Jul 26, 2022

Management of Solid Waste

The management of solid waste in Jamaica, in particular the collection of garbage has been a perennial public concern despite the significant expenditure of...

Performance Audit Report – Procurement Management Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI)

Jul 23, 2019

28 Performance Audit Report – Procurement Management Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI)

Public sector entities are guided by the Handbook of Public Procurement Procedures, which embraces good practices and the concepts of value for money in...


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