Special Audit Report – Transport Authority
Human Resources, Administration and Procurement Practices
As the Agency of the Government charged with the responsibility for the licensing of all public and commercial vehicles, and the regulating and monitoring of public passenger vehicles throughout the island, the Transport Authority (T.A) has an important role in the development of a modernized public transportation system. Based on stakeholder allegations regarding malpractice in Human Resource and Administration as well as procurement and operational areas, I commissioned a special audit to assess whether there were breaches in the Authority’s Human Resources and Administration policies and procedures as well as the GOJ guidelines at the Transport Authority.
Whereas we saw evidence that corroborated certain allegations related to Human Resource and Administration practices inclusive of the hiring of persons contrary to the HR&A policies and procedures as well as GOJ guidelines, other evidence presented did not support allegations of improper awarding of contracts. Nonetheless, we identified instances of improper practices within the procurement process which if left unresolved, could undermine the transparency and integrity of the Authority’s operations. I therefore urge the Transport Authority to consider the recommendations contained in this report, in order to preserve the integrity of its operations.
I take this opportunity to thank the management of the Transport Authority for the courtesies extended to my team during the execution of this audit.