Performance Audit Report – National Works Agency (Managing the Main Road Network)
The Government’s vision for its road network is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #9 wherein, investment in infrastructure and innovation are crucial drivers of economic growth and development. The National Works Agency (NWA) recognizes that efficient and effective main road network are essential to the achievement of Vision 2030 National Outcome #9 “Strong Economic Infrastructure”. Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) highlighted that periodic and consistent routine maintenance and rehabilitation is relatively more cost-effective when compared to new road construction.
We conducted a performance audit to determine whether NWA’s management of Jamaica’s main roads was cost-effective and agile in accordance with relevant policies and guidelines to achieve value for money and the National Strategic Vision for Jamaica’s road and road infrastructure. The audit focused on selected programme/projects, namely, Major Infrastructure Development Programme (MIDP), and the Junction Main Road Rehabilitation which were substantially completed, as well as the Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Project which is in progress. We found that NWA generally adhered to the Government’s Procurement Guidelines related to the bidding, evaluation, and award process. However, improvements were required in terms of due diligence at the works design stage, and the planning and monitoring of the sampled projects to maximise value from money spent.