ja-flag Government of Jamaica
  • Feature Image
    Management of the Production Incentive Programme & the Soil Fertility Mapping Project -Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP), recognises the importance of agriculture in developing Internationally Competitive Industry Structures (National Outcome # 12), based on its average annual contribution of 8 per cent to GDP, employment, rural livelihoods, environmental sustainability, and food security. The agricultural sector which is a primary earner of foreign exchange, comprises a […]Report Details
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    RADA’s Management of the Rehabilitation of Farm Roads -A priority strategy of Vision 2030 Jamaica, National Development Plan (NDP), National Outcome 12: Internationally Competitive Industry Structures, is to improve and rationalize the road network including farm roads by improving agriculture feeder roads. The contribution of agriculture to GDP, food security and environmental sustainability is vital and physical improvements in farm roads are expected […]Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Special Audit Report Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Cane Expansion Fund -Report Details
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    Performance Audit Report of the National Irrigation Commission (NIC) -Report Details
  • All Island Cane Farmers Association Special Audit Report -Report Details


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