ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Who We are

The Auditor General’s Department conducts audits in accordance with standards issued by the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) on all levels of the Government of Jamaica and reports on the use of public resources.

Our Vision

A better country through effective audit scrutiny.

Our Mission

To conduct and make public, high-quality audits and produce recommendations that are relevant to our auditees, the Parliament, and the citizens.

Our Quality Policy

The Auditor General’s Department (AuGD) is committed to producing independent high-quality assurance and performance audit reports of public sector entities and economic assessments of Government’s fiscal policy papers, consistent with legislative requirements and international auditing standards. The AuGD is committed to continual improvement in meeting or exceeding customer expectations through a highly efficient, motivated, diverse, and performance-driven team.

Organization Chart

The operations of the Department are divided as follows:

  1. Assurance Audit
  2. Non-Assurance Audit
  3. Corporate Services
  4. Internal Oversight Unit


Our Core Values


We will audit independently of the Executive and Legislative branches, thereby helping to ensure accountability and transparency of Government activities in an objective and impartial way.


We meet our professional responsibilities in an ethical and fair manner.


We operate in the spirit of full openness to the Jamaica society about the way in which we use public resources and about the impact of our audits.


We work to constantly build and maintain trust with the general citizenry. We sustain credible, reliable and trusted professional teams in each respective field within our areas of responsibility.


We shall act in an impartial way. Audit conclusions and opinions are based exclusively on evidence.


We will undertake our work in accordance with the requirements of international auditing standards.

Collaboration And Involvement

We seek to collaborate with and involve all stakeholders in the fulfilment of our responsibilities in a constructive manner. .


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All information collected by the Auditor General’s Department is anonymous.