ja-flag Government of Jamaica
  • Special Audit Report – Transport Authority -As the Agency of the Government charged with the responsibility for the licensing of all public and commercial vehicles, and the regulating and monitoring of public passenger vehicles throughout the island, the Transport Authority (T.A) has an important role in the development of a modernized public transportation system. Based on stakeholder allegations regarding malpractice in […]Report Details
  • Performance Audit Report – National Works Agency (Managing the Main Road Network) -The Government’s vision for its road network is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #9 wherein, investment in infrastructure and innovation are crucial drivers of economic growth and development. The National Works Agency (NWA) recognizes that efficient and effective main road network are essential to the achievement of Vision 2030 National Outcome #9 […]Report Details
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    Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation) -The Threshold 21 Jamaica Model featured in Jamaica’s Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP) highlighted that improvements in physical economic infrastructure such as roads, will have higher payoffs in the form of higher rates of economic growth than equivalent investment in health and education over the time horizon to 2030. Accordingly, the NDP indicated that […]Report Details
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    Compendium Report of Performance Audits Management Systems for Farm and Parochial Roads -In Financial Year 2018-19,  the Auditor General commissioned an audit of management systems for farm and parochial roads, in respect of RADA, the Kingston and St Andrew and the St Catherine municipal corporations, respectively. This was in a context of public concerns regarding the deteriorating state of public roads, as well as the impact on […]Report Details
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    Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited (Governance, Procurement and Operations Management) -The analytical review of the JUTC’s financial statements over the period FY2009/10 to FY2012/13, which was tabled in 2015, revealed a consistent fall in ridership and associated decline in revenue. An attempt to reassess JUTC’s performance through a five-year financial statement trend analysis was thwarted owing to the absence of financial statements for the period […]Report Details
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    Norman Manley International Airport Public Private Partnership Analysis of Contingent Liability Exposure -The Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act requires the Auditor General to certify that a public private partnership (PPP) involves only minimal contingent liabilities accruing to the Government. This assessment is only required for ‘user pays’ PPP as these projects would not be included in the public debt. User-pays PPPs are commercially free standing and […]Report Details
  • Transport Authority, Regulation of Public Passenger Vehicles (PPVs) -The Transport Authority’s (TA) regulatory role in the provision of efficient and effective public passenger transport system is key to the development of  a modernized public transport system, an objective of Jamaica’s Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP).  TA’s mission is to provide close and effective  monitoring of the transportation  system and enforce all laws, […]Report Details
  • Urban Development Corporation – Sale of the Oceana Hotel Complex -Report Details
  • Aeronautical Telecommunications Limited -Report Details
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    Special Audit Report of the Road Maintenance Fund (RMF) -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Report Financial Statement Assessment of Public Bodies – Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing -Report Details
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    Auditor General’s Department Peformance Audit Report -Review of the National Works Agency’s (NWA’s) Quality Management Function -Report Details
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    Information Systems Review Report of the Transport Authority -Report Details
  • JDIP Special Audit Report -Report Details


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