Successful Conclusion of the 16th Annual INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee Meeting

The Auditor General’s Department, Jamaica, successfully hosted the 16th annual meeting of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee from June 19th to 20th, 2023. This event was held in conjunction with the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC) meeting and IFAC MOSIAC, resulting in a week-long series of INTOSAI activities from June 19th to 23rd, focused on the theme “Partnering for stronger Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and enhanced Public Finance Management” (PFM).
During these meetings, esteemed donor partners, heads of supreme audit institutions, and their representatives from around the world convened to discuss SAIs’ role in climate change adaptations and capacity building needs. The level of engagement and collaboration demonstrated during these sessions was truly remarkable.

A notable highlight of the event was the keynote speech delivered at the dinner on Wednesday, June 21st, by Dr. The Hon. Nigel Clarke, DPhil., MP, Minister of Finance, and the Public Service. Minister Clarke warmly welcomed the collective international audit and financial leaders to Jamaica, extolling their contribution to the promotion of aggregate fiscal discipline and good public financial management. He commended the Auditor General’s Department for hosting a series of week-long meetings, which he opined, underscored the international recognition of the department’s work, and emphasized the critical importance of its role in upholding public trust.
Minister Clarke informed that the Ministry of Finance has implemented significant measures to enhance transparency in fiscal, monetary, and governance matters. He praised the Auditor General’s Department for its ongoing collaborations with international bodies in the field of auditing while emphasizing its continued independence.
The successful conclusion of the 16th annual meeting and the accompanying INTOSAI activities in Jamaica marks a significant milestone in advancing auditing practices globally. We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants, organizers, and supporters who contributed to the success of these events.
Let us continue to foster partnerships and work together to strengthen Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and enhance Public Finance Management (PFM) worldwide.