National Water Commission – Contract and Procurement Management, Capital Projects
The National Water Commission (NWC) which is responsible for providing and operating water supply and sewerage facilities in the urban and rural areas of Jamaica, supplies 190 million gallons of portable water each day to about 2 million customers across the island. NWC recognises that efficient and effective water supply and sewage systems are essential to households and businesses and to the achievement of Vision 2030 National Outcome #9 “Strong Economic Infrastructure”.
We selected 50 contracts totalling J$6 billion, US$151.5million and Euros $155 million based on an assessment of risk as well as the impact on communities. We found that NWC generally adhered to the Government’s Procurement Guidelines related to the bidding, evaluation and award process. However, as can be gleamed from this report, adherence to the Procurement Guidelines by itself cannot assute value for money; rather, the Guidelines must be implemented in tandem with other good governance arrangements such as proper due diligence and planning of contracts.
Read more here: National Water Commission – Contract and Procurement Management, Capital Projects