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Audit in progress

The main aim of listing the audits in progress is to allow for citizens/whistleblowers to provide information that may be useful to the audit. Here are our latest audits.


If you are interested in leaving an important feedback for us, please follow the link to the feedback page. All information collected by the Auditor General’s Department is anonymous.

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Our Vision

A better country through effective audit scrutiny

Our Mission

To conduct and make public, high quality audit and produce recommendations that are relevant to our auditees, the Parliament and the citizens.

AuGD Core Values

  • Independence
  • Objectivity
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration and Involvement
  • Professionalism
  • Credibility
  • Transparency

Latest News

Keep up to date with the latest updates from the Auditor General’s Department of Jamaica


If you are interested in leaving an important feedback for us, please follow the link to the feedback page.
All information collected by the Auditor General’s Department is anonymous.