ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Norman Manley International Airport Public Private Partnership Analysis of Contingent Liability Exposure

Mar 18, 2020

13 Norman Manley International Airport Public Private Partnership Analysis of Contingent Liability Exposure

The Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act requires the Auditor General to certify that a public private partnership (PPP) involves only minimal contingent liabilities...

Jamaica Library Service (JLS)

Jan 16, 2020

22 Jamaica Library Service (JLS)

We conducted an audit of the library service to determine the extent to which JLS  measured and responded to the impact of technological changes...

RADA’s Management of the Rehabilitation of Farm Roads

Oct 31, 2019

25 RADA’s Management of the Rehabilitation of Farm Roads

A priority strategy of Vision 2030 Jamaica, National Development Plan (NDP), National Outcome 12: Internationally Competitive Industry Structures, is to improve and rationalize the...


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