ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Auditor General’s Validation for the Suspension of the Fiscal Rules

Aug 03, 2020

10 Auditor General’s Validation for the Suspension of the Fiscal Rules

On May 13, 2020, the Minister responsible for Finance announced in the House of Representatives, his intent to move for a suspension of the...

Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited (Governance, Procurement and Operations Management)

Jul 29, 2020

16 Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited (Governance, Procurement and Operations Management)

The analytical review of the JUTC’s financial statements over the period FY2009/10 to FY2012/13, which was tabled in 2015, revealed a consistent fall in...

Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (St. Catherine Municipal Corporation)

Jul 29, 2020

19 Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (St. Catherine Municipal Corporation)

The provision of properly maintained parochial road networks is well established as essential to the social and economic development of rural communities. Alternately, it...


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