ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Performance Audit: “Effectiveness of Jamaica’s institutional framework in enabling a strong and resilient national public health system”

Mar 28, 2023

Auditor General’s Department Compliance Audit Report Constituency Development Fund – 1

Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP), the country’s policy framework, which was published in 2009, includes health-related targets and strategies to improve the...

Compliance Audit Compendium Report COVID19 Expenditure (MoHW & MLSS)

Nov 30, 2022

Compliance Audit Compendium Report COVID19 Expenditure (MoHW _ MLSS)

The Government of Jamaica (GoJ) has a responsibility to respond to public emergencies, such as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The response of the...

Information Technology Audit Report Application Management and Data Automation

Nov 30, 2022

Information Technology Audit Report Application Management and Data Automation

The Application Management and Data Automation (AMANDA) software was implemented to provide a national system for the management of development applications by the Municipal...


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