ja-flag Government of Jamaica

Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (St. Catherine Municipal Corporation)

Published on Jul 29, 2020

Completed, Local Government, Performance Audit Reports

Scheduled Publication

The provision of properly maintained parochial road networks is well established as essential to the social and economic development of rural communities. Alternately, it is recognized that neglected roads hamper the efficient distribution of goods and services and the movement of people, stifling economic growth and social welfare. Hence, in a context where budgetary support for road maintenance/rehabilitation is inadequate to meet the needs of the various communities, it is important that parochial roads are built and maintained to acceptable standards given the link to the National Outcome No. 9: Strong Economic Infrastructure, which requires the provision of high-quality infrastructure to facilitate the efficient movement of persons, goods services and information to increase the productivity of economic processes and contribute to balanced and sustainable spatial development. Read the full report here: Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (SCMC)

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